Sunday, May 5, 2024

Alison Brizius has been appointed as the Assistant Secretary and Director of the Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) by Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Rebecca Tepper. CZM is responsible for leading the state's policy and planning on coastal and ocean issues, aiming to balance human activities' impact with the protection of coastal and marine resources through various strategies.

Brizius will oversee the ResilientCoasts initiative, a proactive strategy launched by the Healey-Driscoll Administration to guide state and local coastal resiliency policy and action. She will also implement the state's coastal programs under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, ensuring environmental justice and equity are integrated into this work. Brizius will begin her new role on May 6.

In response to Brizius's appointment, EEA Secretary Rebecca Tepper stated, "Our coastal communities are facing the impacts of climate change, and it is crucial to have a strong and innovative leader like Alison Brizius at the helm of CZM. The Healey-Driscoll Administration is committed to protecting the state's coastlines and preparing for the future, and Brizius's background and expertise make her the ideal candidate for this role."

Brizius expressed her excitement about joining the Healey-Driscoll Administration and highlighted the importance of protecting Massachusetts' coastlines in the face of climate change. She emphasized her eagerness to work with the CZM team to enhance resilience, environmental justice, and sustainability for the benefit of future generations.

Brizius comes to CZM from the City of Boston, where she served as Commissioner of Environment, leading efforts to address climate change impacts and promote environmental stewardship. She has a background in climate resilience and previously held roles focused on climate and environmental planning. Brizius holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Chicago.

Various stakeholders, including Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, NOAA's Office for Coastal Management, and local environmental organizations, have expressed their support for Brizius's appointment, citing her experience and leadership in climate adaptation and resilience efforts. They look forward to collaborating with Brizius and the CZM team to ensure the region's coastal areas remain resilient, sustainable, and accessible for future generations.
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